Pet First Aid & Pet CPR Classes in Salt Lake City
Do you know what you would do if your dog was choking on a toy or bit by a snake or if your cat ate something poisonous?
Doggy's Big Day is here to teach you! Linda Gregersen, owner of DBD and certified pet first aid and CPCR instructor will lead you in a 5-hour in-person course that will give you hands-on experience as you learn what to do to in case of emergency before getting to the vet.
Class includes 72-page Pet First Aid & CPR Quick Reference book and instruction in:
- Muzzling, Safe Approach & Restraint
- How to Find Your Pet’s Pulse, Respiration, CRT
- Down on all Fours for Pet Safety
- WHAT TO DO FOR: Bleeding Injuries, Bloat, Burns, Choking, Constipation, Diarrhea, Drowning, Frostbite, Heat Stroke, Poisoning & Seizures, Shock, Snake Bites, Bee Stings, Upset Tummies & more
- Rescue Breathing & CPCR (Cardio- - -Pulmonary-Cerebral Resuscitation)
- Bandaging Techniques
- How to use the items in your Pet First-Aid Kit